We hunker down and close in, losing sight alternative ways to approach a problem. Or, as Paul Avery puts it, “When you’re inside the bottle, you can’t read the label. You have to get out and access new thinking.”
Paul himself is no stranger to coming at challenges with a different approach. He co-founded marketing agency BioStrata, to shake up marketing programmes for life sciences companies. Along with co-founder Dr Claire Russell, Paul urges clients to take a step back from tactical marketing without a strategy and encourages them to focus instead on their goals and what matters to their customers.
In response to COVID-19, Paul and the BioStrata team worked on the launch of ‘Scientists on Standby’, an online service set up in response to the Covid crisis.
‘Early on it became clear the UK was going to have to scale up its coronavirus testing to tackle
the disease. Knowing the industry, what struck us was that it was going to take a lot of labs, equipment and scientists to meet the government testing targets. The question was ‘would there be enough resources to go around?’.
‘With half the team having experience at the lab bench and wanting to help, and with the in-house skills to create and market a website quickly, we set up ‘Scientists on Standby’. The website makes it easy for those with scientific skills and experience to volunteer in areas such as testing and screening, or to offer lab space. We’re also able to connect people by sharing government and private initiatives with our database.’
“Another positive to come from ‘Scientists on Standby’ has been our collaboration with other commercial and not-for-profit organisations running Covid initiatives. Our idea may be unique, but there’s no way we would’ve been able to promote ‘Scientists on Standby’ to so many people if it hadn’t been for our close media partners. It’s shown us that when initiatives collaborate, that’s when the magic can happen!”
So when it comes to his own business, it’s no surprise that he sees the value of having a strong network of people to expand knowledge and challenge decision making. Paul and co-founder Claire explored bringing non-executive directors on the board and looking at other ways to access new thinking. But it wasn’t until a chance conversation that one approach really clicked:
“I found out about Vistage through a colleague in the marketing industry. He knows I love learning about business strategy and leadership and said, ‘Look, you should explore it because I think you’d get a lot of value out of it.’
This conversation led to a couple of calls with my Vistage Chair, to check I’d get value out of my membership and be a good fit with the group.”
For Paul, part of the attraction of Vistage is collaborating with likeminded people and bounce ideas around: “In the six months that I’ve been a member, I’ve already gained so much, especially in the way it’s helped us navigate the business through the pandemic.
We have a fantastic team at BioStrata, and I’m desperate to make sure they have everything they need to succeed. The people who work for us are special – science has its own language, so finding people with the right blend of skills and attitude for our business is often tough. Vistage is helping me be a better leader and a better and happier person.
There are two parts to Vistage that I love the most. The first part is the half-day workshops with internationally renowned speakers and thinkers. They take us through a specific topic, like business management, leadership or culture, exploring it in a way that makes it relevant.
I like reading about marketing, business and all that type of stuff. But I tend to hoard the information, and I’m not sure I always apply it. Being part of Vistage means I learn ways to turn the ideas into action.
The second part is the issue solving. Of course, it’s great when it’s your issue, and the team brings its collective brainpower to solve your challenge.
The value of being part of someone else’s issue discussion is amazing; sharing their experiences helps you learn a lot about your own business. Helping someone work through their challenges is such a positive and constructive experience, connecting with people who’s only goal is to help you in any way they can. There’s no skin in the game for them, other than they hope you’ll help them when they’re in the chair.
I thought being in Vistage would be interesting; I didn’t realise it would have this level of emotional resonance that makes you so excited and engaged to be a part of something.
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