As a former CEO or leader planning your exit, you’ve logged a lifetime of experiences and successes, challenges and opportunities. It’s no doubt that all of the pressures of being ‘chief decision-maker’ have made you a better person and stronger leader. It’s helped sharpen your skills and deepen your wisdom.
The question now is: What will you do with all of that hard-won knowledge?

Is it time to hang it up — or do you still feel pulled to stay in the game? Are you thinking about consulting? Volunteering? Or maybe taking time to smell the roses and spend more time with your loved ones?

What do you want this new chapter of your life to look like and feel like?

If you are grappling with these kinds of questions, you are among the fortunate who have the opportunity to choose what you want to do — versus doing what you have to do. This guide is designed to help you explore your feelings and your options as you re-envision your life and your best step forward.