Mercure Piccadilly Hotel, Manchester

1st November 2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Event Overview

Vistage Executive Summit - Manchester

Going above and beyond is ingrained in everything you do. You know it takes determination to push beyond conventional limits. Every day you navigate through uncertainty and respond to emerging challenges – pushing the boundaries of your leadership.
The Vistage Executive Summit is just one stop on your limitless journey to explore new horizons, embrace innovation and pursue ambitious goals. Breakthrough results happen when you redefine limitations and go beyond what you thought possible. Join like-minded peers who refuse to be confined to the well-worn path and unlock your full potential.
Break free from traditional thinking. Challenge the status quo. Propel your leadership to the next level.

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Brad Waldron

Vistage Emcee and Speaker

Brad's high-energy, interactive sessions go far beyond traditional one-way keynotes where the audience sits and listens. One of his best clients called him the "provocative comedian" because he sets a fire under the seat of every audience member to ignite change for a remarkable transformative experience and uses humor to create immediate engagement.

CEO & Executive Chairman
As a Leader he is a high achiever with a proven track record of delivering outstanding financial results, leading and driving change, transforming customer relationships and creating a high performance culture in teams. His unique blend of strategic commercial thinking and creative practical flair is highly valued by all with whom he works.

As a Strategist he provides winning formulas that take individuals and organizations to the next level. He has positively impacted and accelerated the performance of leading global brands such as Microsoft, L’Oreal, Sony, Warner Bros and Diageo.


Roger Martin-Fagg

Vistage Speaker

Economic Update

Roger is a practical researcher.  He focuses on how the economy really works and on the links between FT100 reward systems, the behaviour of banks and economic instability. He also researches his clients trading environment as a necessary component of his teaching. 

Roger has 50 years of economic forecasting and explaining under his belt. His mantra is ‘Simplicity is the end point of understanding’. He has a reputation for accurate forecasts.

The session will give you a greater understanding of economics.
We will look at the basic drivers of economic activity and show what the indicators are telling us we should expect over the next 18 months.


Jaz Ampaw-Farr


Being 10% Braver

Change comes as a result of inspiration or desperation. Why wait for the latter?

Courageous conversations, whether at work or in life, require you to show up as your full-fat self. It’s never easy to go against the tide, address conflict or challenge the status quo, which is where being 10% Braver comes into play.

Jamil for pre event email

Jamil Qureshi


We often talk about the right behaviours needed for success, but our actions come from what and how we think. This is also true of our team and customers.
To drive meaningful change within others or ourselves we need to understand the difference between commitment and compliance. True ownership of results can only come from establishing the right thoughts and attitudes. To do differently we have to think differently.
Leading performance coach, Jamil Qureshi session takes us through a practical understanding of how to cultivate mindsets for optimizing talent. Using principles that have been shared with six people who utilized the ideas to become number one in the world in their chosen field, delegates will be taken through an insightful and entertaining look at how we can create positive change through obtaining different outlooks.

For individuals and teams to reach their potential we must find the right thinking and consistency of mind to allow consistency of results.

People who reach the top of their game understand the perspectives which must be applied to ensure that skills are used in the most purposeful way.

The session is rich with take-aways and techniques used by the world’s elite sports and business people.


Mercure Manchester Piccadilly Hotel, Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PH
1st November 2024
08:30 - 15:00

08:30 am

Registration Opens - Breakfast and Networking

09:30 am

Brad Waldron | Welcome and Introductions

09:45 am

Roger Martin-Fagg | Economic Update 

10.30 am

 Keynote | Jaz Ampaw-Farr

11:30 am

Coffee Break

12:00 pm

Breakout Sessions

  • People Puzzles - Transform Your Leadership Team for Future-Proof Commercial Success 
  • Acuity Associates - Explode your Growth & Profit Margins
  • Quarsh - I have a great business, why can’t I hire great people?
  • Lokulus - How to create business value with AI
  • Omni Resourcing - Transform Recruitment: From Cost Centre to Profit Powerhouse
  • Girls Out Loud - Feminine Equity - What is it and Why does it matter?

13:00 pm

Lunch and Networking

14.00 pm

 Keynote | Jamil Qureshi

15.30 pm

Summit close


National Headline Sponsors



Breakout Sessions

12.00 - 13.00

Transform Your Leadership Team for Future-Proof Commercial Success 

Speaker: Debra Lee

An interactive session designed to support the CEO of a fast-growing SME where we will share how we implemented a clear people strategy and succession plan that accelerated business growth. This workshop dives deep into evaluating your current team, identifying key gaps, and making the tough decisions necessary to build a high-impact leadership team that can propel your organisation to the next level.

Topic: Talent Strategies

12.00 - 13.00

Explode your Growth & Profit Margins

Speaker: Ben Mekie

In this highly interactive session learn exactly what you can do to enhance efficiency and productivity in your business. If you are more efficient and productive you are more profitable. That is a fact. You will leave the session with some practical items for your business today for implementation tomorrow. You will learn exactly what the best businesses in the world do. Best does not mean the biggest. Best means those businesses that beat their competition by having superior profit margins via efficiency and productivity. The best businesses maximise profitability and enterprise value better than their competitors.

Topic: Financial Services

12.00 - 13.00

I have a great business, why can’t I hire great people?

Speaker: Lucy James

If you find yourself asking this question, it's likely you need to change at least one of three key things about how you recruit. Hiring top talent is a huge challenge. In this session, you'll learn about the most effective practical strategies that make the biggest difference to your ability to recruit the people you need, repeatedly. Here's a clue - it's definitely not "I don't like their shoe colour" (true story!).
Lucy James, co-founder of Quarsh, uses her 20 years of experience in recruitment to explain how you can hire the talent your business deserves. Whether you're looking for one key hire or thirty, you'll pick up some valuable tips on how to find, attract and hire the people you want. Join us to gain an unfair advantage in the one of the tightest and most competitive labour markets in decades. 
And for pure entertainment, we’ll also share our top 10 most surprising reasons managers use for not hiring candidates.  

Topic: Talent Strategies

12.00 - 13.00

How to create business value with AI

Speakers: Alister Harris & Mark Chamberlain

Artificial Intelligence — two words that hold incredible potential, yet often spark more questions than answers. What exactly is AI? And more importantly, how can it reshape the way we do business? We'll dive into the fundamentals of AI and explore how it can seamlessly integrate into your operations. We'll guide you on where to start, how to build value from AI, and share real-world examples of how businesses are using it to drive efficiency, cut costs, reduce risk, and even boost revenue. From analysing receipts with unparalleled accuracy to saving precious hours on routine tasks, AI isn’t just a trend—it’s a transformative tool for growth. By the end of this session, you’ll not only understand AI's potential but be ready to leverage it to future-proof your business

Topic: Technology

12.00 - 13.00

Transform Recruitment: From Cost Centre to Profit Powerhouse

Speaker: Louise Shaw

Join us for a transformative session that will redefine recruitment as a profit powerhouse! Building on our acclaimed UK Talent Planning and Resourcing Report with the CIPD, we’ll explore the true costs of recruitment and the impact of missteps on your bottom line. But fear not—we’ll provide practical strategies to turn the tide! Discover Omni’s proprietary maturity model designed for SMEs, packed with insider secrets to enhance your recruitment effectiveness.

You’ll leave equipped with immediate actions to attract elite talent and drive greater ROI. This award-winning session is a must-attend for anyone serious about maximising recruitment potential!

Topic: Talent Strategies

12.00 - 13.00

Feminine Equity - What is it and Why does it matter?

Speaker: Jane Kenyon

Equality is the end game, but gender parity WILL NOT become a reality without equity. We will be discussing….Is gender parity a pipe dream or a pipe line essential? How do we level the playing field? Why do women exit corporate life at middle management and how can we plug the leak? How do we inspire the next generation to max out their potential, particularly the Millennials and Gen Zs .

Your Takeaways…An honest review of the gender debate – Jane does NOT shy away from the big questions. Understanding the brutal landscape young girls need to navigate to reach their potential

Topic: Talent Strategies