Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, Edinburgh

10th May 2024 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM

Event Overview

Vistage Executive Summit - Edinburgh

Going above and beyond is ingrained in everything you do. You know it takes determination to push beyond conventional limits. Every day you navigate through uncertainty and respond to emerging challenges – pushing the boundaries of your leadership.
The Vistage Executive Summit is just one stop on your limitless journey to explore new horizons, embrace innovation and pursue ambitious goals. Breakthrough results happen when you redefine limitations and go beyond what you thought possible. Join like-minded peers who refuse to be confined to the well-worn path and unlock your full potential.
Break free from traditional thinking. Challenge the status quo. Propel your leadership to the next level.

Event Speakers

Emma Bell

Emma J. Bell

Vistage Speaker and Event Host

Resilience is one of the most important qualities of successful individuals. Grit, determination and mental resilience are essential to flourishing in life and work. Emma gave up her judicial role and dedicated 3 years of her life to researching what makes us resilient. That research ultimately took her on a journey of over 35,000 miles to interview fifty ‘thrivers’ from around the world who have faced extreme challenge and change – and who are not just surviving, but thriving. Despite a variety of circumstances, they each credit their ability to flourish in the face of adversity to just nine resilience strategies. Emma shares those life-changing strategies in her coaching practice, speeches, webinars and workshops.

RMF New website

Roger Martin-Fagg

Economic Update

Roger is a practical researcher.  He focuses on how the economy really works and on the links between FT100 reward systems, the behaviour of banks and economic instability. He also researches his clients trading environment as a necessary component of his teaching. 

Roger has 50 years of economic forecasting and explaining under his belt. His mantra is ‘Simplicity is the end point of understanding’. He has a reputation for accurate forecasts.

The session will give you a greater understanding of economics.
We will look at the basic drivers of economic activity and show what the indicators are telling us we should expect over the next 18 months.

Jessie Pavelka google

Jessie Pavelka

A New Lens for Leadership: How Personal & Team Wellbeing Impact Business Outcomes

The world of leadership has changed. With the introduction of new generations into the workforce and an increased rate of change, new technologies, new work environments, and routines, leadership requires a new lens. We are living in the moment when it’s not just about putting your oxygen mask on first and then helping the person next to you; for leaders, it’s about knowing what each individual on the plane needs, assisting them while also flying the plane. The future of leadership is about leading by example in both how you live and how you lead, prioritizing individual and team wellbeing and believing in the value it brings to both the culture and the business outcomes.

In this session Jessie will explore all the ways leaders can lead and live well into the future of work. 

Key takeaways:
Understand the “why” behind wellbeing.
Practical actions that support self-care and performance.
Quick wins to bringing wellbeing into your teams.
The synergistic relationship between wellbeing and business outcomes.


Matthew Syed

Matthew Syed is one of the world’s most influential thinkers in the field of high performance and cultural change.

Rebel Ideas examines the power of ‘cognitive diversity’ – the ability to think differently about the world around us.
It explains how to harness our unique perspectives, pool our collective intelligence and tackle the greatest challenges of our age – from climate change to terrorism. It draws on a dazzling range of case studies, including the catastrophic failings of the CIA before 9/11, a fatal communication breakdown on top of Mount Everest and a moving tale of deradicalisation in America’s Deep South.

Rebel Ideas will strengthen any team or organisation, but has dozens of individual applications, too: from the art of reinvention to the remarkable benefits of personalised nutrition. It shows us how to become more creative, how to collaborate in a world becoming more interconnected, and how to break free of echo chambers that surround us all.


Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, 1 Festival Square, Edinburgh, EH3 9SR
10th May 2024
08:30 - 15:15

08:30 am

Registration Opens - Breakfast and Networking

09:15 am

Emma Bell | Welcome and Introductions

09:35 am

Roger Martin-Fagg | Economic Update  

10:15 am

Jessie Pavelka | A New Lens for Leadership: How Personal & Team Wellbeing Impact Business Outcomes

11:15 am

Coffee Break 

11:45 pm

Exclusive Breakout sessions available for: Members, Guests and Members Colleagues

  • Acuity Associates - How strengthening your finance team enhances efficiency, productivity and profitability 
  • People Puzzles - Creating a magnetic Employer Brand & Experience for all generations 


12:45 pm

Lunch and Networking in Marketplace

13:45 pm

Matthew Syed | Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking

15:15 pm

Summit Close


National Headline Sponsors

Sponsored Breakout Sessions

11.45 - 12.45

How strengthening your finance team enhances efficiency, productivity, and profitability

Presenter: Ben Mekie

In this highly interactive session learn exactly what you can do to enhance efficiency and productivity in your business. If you are more efficient and productive you are more profitable. That is a fact. You will leave the session with some practical items for your business today for implementation tomorrow. You will learn exactly what the best businesses in the world do. Best does not mean the biggest. Best means those businesses that beat their competition by having superior profit margins via efficiency and productivity. The best businesses maximise profitability and enterprise value better than their competitors.

11.45 - 12.45

Creating a magnetic Employer Brand & Experience for all generations

Presenter: Jacqui Mallin & Clyde Marwick

When it comes to today's workplace it has never been more imperative to understand the labour market, their wants and needs, your employees (all 5 generations of them; their traits, likes, dislikes and goals!) and the power of a strong Employer Brand offering - come meet and understand their personas and how best to communicate and lead. Attracting and more importantly retaining great talent remains the biggest opportunity and yet the biggest challenge in turbulent times for almost every business leader. Whilst also creating a high performing culture that nurtures and develops personal and professional growth building loyalty to future proof your organisations growth. Within the context of constant change and in the current flux of the flexible workplace's uncertainty and ambiguity, how can leaders ensure that they and their management teams are ready to navigate the road ahead? Attendees will leave having completed their own personal people strategy health check with clear actions and insights for their business.