Convene, 133 Houndsditch, London

28th June 2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Event Overview

Vistage Executive Summit - London

Going above and beyond is ingrained in everything you do. You know it takes determination to push beyond conventional limits. Every day you navigate through uncertainty and respond to emerging challenges – pushing the boundaries of your leadership.
The Vistage Executive Summit is just one stop on your limitless journey to explore new horizons, embrace innovation and pursue ambitious goals. Breakthrough results happen when you redefine limitations and go beyond what you thought possible. Join like-minded peers who refuse to be confined to the well-worn path and unlock your full potential.
Break free from traditional thinking. Challenge the status quo. Propel your leadership to the next level.

Event Speakers

RMF New website

Roger Martin-Fagg

Vistage Speaker

Economic Update

Roger is a practical researcher.  He focuses on how the economy really works and on the links between FT100 reward systems, the behaviour of banks and economic instability. He also researches his clients trading environment as a necessary component of his teaching. 

Roger has 50 years of economic forecasting and explaining under his belt. His mantra is ‘Simplicity is the end point of understanding’. He has a reputation for accurate forecasts.

The session will give you a greater understanding of economics.
We will look at the basic drivers of economic activity and show what the indicators are telling us we should expect over the next 18 months.

Anne Petrik

Anne Petrik

Vistage Worldwide Vice President, Research

Building a Future-Ready Leadership Team

In today’s challenging economic environment, business leaders must achieve quick results, adapt to changes, and plan for the future all at once. This session, led by the Vice President of Research at Vistage Worldwide, offers research-based perspectives to guide your approach to strategic planning, succession planning and developing a strong team to ensure your business grows and adapts successfully.

Jessie Pavelka google

Jessie Pavelka

A New Lens for Leadership: How Personal & Team Wellbeing Impact Business Outcomes

The world of leadership has changed. With the introduction of new generations into the workforce and an increased rate of change, new technologies, new work environments, and routines, leadership requires a new lens. We are living in the moment when it’s not just about putting your oxygen mask on first and then helping the person next to you; for leaders, it’s about knowing what each individual on the plane needs, assisting them while also flying the plane. The future of leadership is about leading by example in both how you live and how you lead, prioritizing individual and team wellbeing and believing in the value it brings to both the culture and the business outcomes.

In this session Jessie will explore all the ways leaders can lead and live well into the future of work. 

Key takeaways:
Understand the “why” behind wellbeing.
Practical actions that support self-care and performance.
Quick wins to bringing wellbeing into your teams.
The synergistic relationship between wellbeing and business outcomes.

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Jamil Qureshi

Turning Ambition into Achievement

We often talk about the right behaviours needed for success, but our actions come from what and how we think. This is also true of our team and customers.
To drive meaningful change within others or ourselves we need to understand the difference between commitment and compliance. True ownership of results can only come from establishing the right thoughts and attitudes. To do differently we have to think differently.
Leading performance coach, Jamil Qureshi session takes us through a practical understanding of how to cultivate mindsets for optimizing talent. Using principles that have been shared with six people who utilized the ideas to become number one in the world in their chosen field, delegates will be taken through an insightful and entertaining look at how we can create positive change through obtaining different outlooks.

For individuals and teams to reach their potential we must find the right thinking and consistency of mind to allow consistency of results.

People who reach the top of their game understand the perspectives which must be applied to ensure that skills are used in the most purposeful way.

The session is rich with take-aways and techniques used by the world’s elite sports and business people.


Convene 133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7BX
th June 2024
08:30 - 15:30

08:30 am

Registration Opens - Breakfast and Networking

09:30 am

Brad Waldron | Welcome and Introductions

09:50 am

Roger Martin-Fagg | Economic Update  

10:20 pm

Anne Petrik | Vistage Research and Insights 

10:50 am

Q&A with Roger and Anne 

11:00 am

Coffee Break 

11.25 am

Jessie Pavelka | A New Lens for Leadership: How Personal & Team Wellbeing Impact Business Outcomes

12:30 pm

Sponsored Breakout Sessions

  • Acuity Associates - Explode your Growth & Profit Margins
  • People Puzzles - The Best Advice You Didn’t Take
  • Culture Partners - A Proven Approach to Greater Accountability and Better Results
  • Geeks - The Human Touch, Powered by AI: 13 Opportunities to Elevate Your Customer Experience
  • Moneypenny - Leading with purpose, learning from mistakes, and nurturing tomorrow's leaders
  • Quarsh - I have a great business, why can’t I hire great people?

13:25 pm

Lunch and Networking in Marketplace

14:15 pm

Jamil Qureshi | Turning Ambition into Achievement

15:30 pm

Summit Close


National Headline Sponsors


Sponsored Breakout Sessions

12.00 - 13.00

Explode your Growth & Profit Margins

Presenter: Ben Mekie

In this highly interactive session learn exactly what you can do to enhance efficiency and productivity in your business. If you are more efficient and productive you are more profitable. That is a fact. You will leave the session with some practical items for your business today for implementation tomorrow. You will learn exactly what the best businesses in the world do. Best does not mean the biggest. Best means those businesses that beat their competition by having superior profit margins via efficiency and productivity. The best businesses maximise profitability and enterprise value better than their competitors.

Topic: Financial Services

12.00 - 13.00

The Best Advice You Didn't Take

Presenter: Madelaine Gwynn

It’s a truly challenging time for UK employers. Britain’s active workforce has not recovered to its pre-Pandemic level, making this one of the tightest labour-markets the country has ever seen. Employers therefore need to be laser focussed on retaining their employees – who today make up the most generationally diverse workforce ever. This practical workshop explores insights into those evolving challenges and provides ideas and approaches for successfully managing the competing and often conflicting needs of an increasingly multi-generational workforce.

Topic: Talent Strategies

12.00 - 13.00

Leading with purpose, learning from mistakes, and nurturing tomorrow's leaders

Presenter: Joanna Knight, OBE

Join us fireside with Group CEO of Moneypenny, Joanna Knight, OBE, for an inspiring dialogue on growth, empowerment, and inclusivity. Uncover Joanna's mantras for success, mistakes she has made along the way which she wants people to learn from, vision of providing equal opportunities and dedication to nurturing tomorrow's leaders. Learn how openness and transparency drive Joanna’s leadership style and Moneypenny’s strong growth, inviting everyone to join her on the journey towards success. Don't miss this chance to gain valuable insights from a CEO who leads with purpose and passion.

Topic: Communication, Marketing, & Sales

12.00 - 13.00

I have a great business, why can’t I hire great people?

Presenter: Lucy James

If you find yourself asking this question, it's likely you need to change at least one of three key things about how you recruit. Hiring top talent is a huge challenge. In this session, you'll learn about the most effective practical strategies that make the biggest difference to your ability to recruit the people you need, repeatedly. Here's a clue - it's definitely not "I don't like their shoe colour" (true story!).
Lucy James, co-founder of Quarsh, uses her 20 years of experience in recruitment to explain how you can hire the talent your business deserves. Whether you're looking for one key hire or thirty, you'll pick up some valuable tips on how to find, attract and hire the people you want. Join us to gain an unfair advantage in the one of the tightest and most competitive labour markets in decades. 
And for pure entertainment, we’ll also share our top 10 most surprising reasons managers use for not hiring candidates.  

Topic: Talent Strategies

12.00 - 13.00

The Human Touch, Powered by AI: 13 Opportunities to Elevate Your Customer Experience

Presenter: Lindsay Jessup

Ready to revolutionise your CX with AI, while keeping that cherished human touch? In today’s AI era, customers expect not just speed, but personal and empathetic interactions. Imagine boosting your service's human elements with AI! Join Lindsay Jessup, CEO of Geeks Ltd, for an engaging session on making AI your team's new best mate. 
Discover how AI-powered tools can provide 24/7 empathetic support, offer personalised recommendations, predict customer needs, and liberate your team from mundane tasks. This session will inspire you with actionable strategies to blend AI efficiency with human warmth, giving you a competitive edge in customer service

Topic: Technology

12.00 - 13.00

A Proven Approach to Greater Accountability and Better Results

Presenter: Matt Somers

Have you ever wondered how to get people to take ownership of desired outcomes? To ask, “What else can I do to achieve results?”  Aligning people around your purpose and organizational strategy is a great first step, but you must also be able to fully activate your workplace culture in support of that. The key is creating a culture of accountability that motivates people to take full accountability for how they’re contributing to results. Achieving this is possible when you provide people with the tools to shift from unproductive behaviours like blame-games to ones that  drive and sustain better business outcomes.

Topic: Talent Strategies